Wind Analysis
The wind analysis and its use cases.
The wind analysis evaluates historical wind data (wind speed and direction) at various altitudes and at one or more locations.
It generates summarized monthly evaluations. Annual evaluations are also provided based on the aggregation of the monthly evaluations.
During the creation of the analysis, you can choose whether to perform it as a high-level analysis (evaluation of a specific time of day) or as a detailed analysis (evaluation of all times of day at once). To gain a first impression of the results you can expect, a set of example results is provided within the analysis type selection wizard.
High level
The high-level analysis is used to evaluate wind speed and direction at a specific time of day (either day, night, day & night, or custom).
Analysis at different altitudes simultaneously (10m (33ft), 152m (500ft), and 305m (1000ft)).
Analysis at multiple locations simultaneously.
Analysis of individual time frames and day times.
Use cases
The detailed analysis is used to evaluate wind speed and direction for day, night, and day & night simultaneously.
Analysis at different altitudes simultaneously (10m (33ft), 152m (500ft), and 305m (1000ft)).
Analysis at multiple locations simultaneously.
Analysis of individual time frames and day times.
Use cases
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