Definition of basic technical terms and abbreviations.
UTC (Coordinated Universal Time): Standard time reference used for flight operations to ensure global consistency and avoid confusion across different time zones.
AGL (Above Ground Level) refers to the altitude of the aircraft relative to the surface directly below it, rather than sea level.
AMSL stands for meters above mean sea level, indicating the height of a location relative to the average sea level.
VLOS (Visual Line of Sight) refers to drone operations where the operator can see the drone with the naked eye at all times during flight.
BVLOS (Beyond Visual Line of Sight) refers to drone operations where the operator cannot see the drone and relies on technology (such as GPS, sensors, and cameras) to control and monitor it from a distance
METAR data is a current weather report typically issued every hour. It describes the present weather conditions at an airport, including wind, visibility, clouds, temperature, and weather phenomena.
TAF data is a forecast of expected weather conditions at an airport, usually issued four times a day (every 6 hours) and valid for 24 to 30 hours. It details expected changes in wind, visibility, clouds, and other relevant factors.
The Concept of Operations (CONOPS) outlines the intended use and operations of drones in various contexts, detailing how they are integrated into broader operational frameworks to achieve specific objectives. It encompasses aspects such as mission planning, flight operations, etc., aiming to maximize efficiency and safety in their deployment.
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