Wind rose charts provide an effective way to represent wind speed and direction in a single diagram. They are created both in high-level and detailed analyses on a monthly basis, as well as in an annual summary, but do not display wind conditions by the hour.
Calm Sector:
The central circle of the wind rose, often referred to as the "calm sector," indicates the percentage of time (e.g., 39%) during which no wind or only minimal wind movement was recorded.
Wind Directions:
The wind rose diagram is divided into 16 segments, each representing a wind direction of 22.5°. Below is a description of the wind directions:
0° - N (North):
-> Short bar, low wind frequency, primarily low wind speeds (3-6 knots)
22.5° - NNE (North-Northeast):
-> Very short bar, almost no wind from this direction
45° - NE (Northeast):
-> Barely any wind from this direction; the bar is almost invisible
67.5° - ENE (East-Northeast):
-> Similar to NE, no significant wind frequency
90° - E (East):
-> Slightly visible bar, low wind frequency (3-6 knots)
112.5° - ESE (East-Southeast):
-> Almost no wind from this direction, very short bar
135° - SE (Southeast):
-> Nearly no wind from this direction; bar is minimal
157.5° - SSE (South-Southeast):
- > Very short bars, minimal wind activity
180° - S (South):
-> Few winds from this direction; bars visible for 3-6 knots
Wind Speed:
The wind intensity is illustrated by the color of the bars. Different colors represent various wind speed ranges:
Light gray: 3–6 knots
Dark gray: 6–10 knots
Light blue: 10–15 knots
Dark blue: 15–20 knots
Red: More than 20 knots
Percentage Frequency:
The length of the bars represents the percentage of time the wind came from a specific direction. Longer bars indicate higher frequency
Analysis Details:
The location is displayed above the diagram, along with the height at which the wind analysis was conducted
The analysis period is shown at the bottom right, along with the coordinates of the analysis location
The wind rose overview is part of the analysis and, includes all monthly wind rose evaluations displayed together on a single page. The structure of the individual wind roses remains unchanged.
Only available for detailed analyses.
The heatmaps display the average hourly wind conditions for the corresponding time frame. In this case, they summarize a one-year period and visualize the composition of wind speed and direction.
Y-Axis: The Y-axis represents the percentage of time during which the wind speed/direction fell within a specific speed/direction range.
Speed Bins:
0–3 knots (light gray)
3–6 knots (medium gray)
6–10 knots (dark gray)
10–15 knots (blue)
15–20 knots (dark blue)
20+ knots (red)
Direction Bins:
0° to 330° (in 30° increments)
Colors vary to clearly differentiate the individual directions, e.g.:
0° (North) in blue
90° (East) in green
180° (South) in red
270° (West) in brown
X-Axis (Hours in UTC): Displays the hours of the day (in UTC) from 0 to 23.
Analysis Details: The analysis location, time period, and the considered time of day are noted at the bottom of the diagram.
In addition to the annual evaluations, monthly evaluations are created. You will also receive a summary that displays all monthly evaluations, allowing you to quickly gain an overview.