Operational conditions per year are visualized using pie charts. It shows the percentage distribution of operational conditions.
Pie Chart:
The chart displays operational conditions in three categories, visualized using different colors.
The sections and percentage values of the chart represent the proportion of each operational condition over the course of the year.
The legend on the right explains the color coding:
Blue for nominal operating conditions
Dark blue for moderate operating conditions
Red for severe operating conditions
Analysis Details: The analysis location, time period, and the considered time of day are noted at the bottom.
Operational Conditions per Month
Operational conditions per month are illustrated using column charts. These show the percentage distribution of operational conditions for each month individually, enabling a detailed temporal analysis of the conditions throughout the year.
Column Chart:
The chart consists of 12 vertical bars, each representing a month from January to December.
The operational conditions for the respective months are color-coded.
Percentage Distribution:
On the left side of the chart, a vertical scale from 0 to 100 is displayed, indicating the percentage distribution of operational conditions for each month.
The height of the bars corresponds to the respective percentage frequency of operational conditions in the corresponding month.
The legend below the chart explains the color coding:
Blue: Nominal operational conditions
Dark Blue: Moderate operational conditions
Red: Severe operational conditions
Analysis Details: The analysis location, time period, and the considered time of day are noted at the bottom.
Reasons for severe or moderate Condtions per Year
Reasons for moderate and severe conditions are presented using bar charts to illustrate the ranking of the percentage distribution.
Bar Chart:
The chart displays the causes of severe/moderate operational conditions, sorted in descending order by percentage share.
To the left of the bars, the respective parameters that cause severe conditions are named.
The altitude specification next to the designation of the parameter is the altitude at which the state of the operational conditions is evaluated. The altitude can be defined depending on the parameter when creating a limit set.
Analysis Details: The analysis location, time period, and the considered time of day are noted at the bottom.
The sum of the shares of the causes for severe conditions can exceed 100% as these causes can occur simultaneously.
Reasons for severe or moderate Condtions per Month
The reasons for moderate/severe conditions per month are illustrated using a line chart to highlight the development over time and between individual months. This allows for the quick identification of seasonal dependencies.
Line Chart:
The chart consists of graphs that visualize how the percentage share of each cause contributing to severe operating conditions changes throughout the year.
The Y-axis shows the percentage of severe hours caused by each factor, and the X-axis represents the months from January to December.
Depending on the cause, the graphs are displayed in different colors:
Green (solid): General icing (at analysis altitude)
Orange (solid): General icing (at analysis altitude)
Dark green (solid): Wind speed (at analysis altitude)
Gray (solid): OAT (at analysis altitude)
Light blue (solid): General icing (at analysis altitude)
Teal (dashed): Cloud ceiling
Orange (dashed): Dangerous phenome
Analysis Details: The analysis location, time period, and the considered time of day are noted at the bottom.
Only available for detailed analyses.
If no severe conditions prevail in the month, the graph will be interrupted at that point.
The sum of the shares of the causes for severe conditions can exceed 100% as these causes can occur simultaneously.
Reasons for severe Condtions per Hour
The line chart shows the average percentage shares of selected parameters contributing to severe weather conditions at each time of day within the corresponding month. The chart is created for each month in the detailed analysis, allowing for an in-depth examination of changes throughout the day.
Line Chart:
Each line shows how the share of each cause contributing to severe operating conditions changes at different hours of the day.
The Y-axis represents the percentage of severe operating conditions, and the X-axis represents the hours of the day from 0 to 23 UTC.
Depending on the cause, the graphs are displayed in different colors:
Green (solid): General icing (at analysis altitude)
Orange (solid): General icing (at analysis altitude)
Dark green (solid): Wind speed (at analysis altitude)
Gray (solid): OAT (at analysis altitude)
Light blue (solid): General icing (at analysis altitude)
Teal (dashed): Cloud ceiling
Orange (dashed): Dangerous phenomena
Analysis Details: The analysis location, time period, and the considered time of day are noted at the bottom.
Only available for detailed analyses.
No hourly evaluation for moderate conditions.
Operational Conditions per Hour (Nominal / Nominal + Moderate)
The heatmap chart shows the hourly distribution of nominal/nominal & moderate operational conditions as percentages for each month of the year. This chart is particularly useful when analyzing, for example, the time of day with the highest likelihood of nominal conditions over multiple months. It can also be used for seasonal and daily pattern analysis.
The values range from 0% to 100%, with the color scale visualizing the percentage magnitude.
Green represents higher percentages (close to 100%), while yellow to red indicates lower percentages.
Analysis Details: The analysis location, time period, and the considered time of day are noted at the bottom.