Benchmark Analysis

The benchmark analysis and its use cases.

The benchmark analysis, similar to the service availability analysis, allows for the evaluation of the proportion of ideal flight conditions and helps assess whether a flight location is suitable. The strength of the benchmark analysis lies in comparing locations regarding their suitability:

Direct comparison of multiple locations in comparative benchmark charts.

Direct comparison of multiple locations with different limit sets.

  • Highest level of detail available

  • What is the expected up/down time of my service per year/month/time of day in comparison to other locations

  • What are the parameters causing the downtime per year/month/time of day in comparison to other locations


The detailed analysis is used to evaluate operational conditions and their triggers for day, night, and day & night simultaneously.


Benchmark of Operational Conditions
  • Detailed day: Operational conditions (per year, per month (nominal), per month (nominal + moderate), reasons for severe conditions, reasons for moderate conditions)

  • Detailed day and night: Operational conditions (per year, per month (nominal), per month (nominal + moderate), reasons for severe conditions, reasons for moderate conditions)

  • Detailed night: Operational conditions (per year, per month (nominal), per month (nominal + moderate), reasons for severe conditions, reasons for moderate conditions)

Detailed Operational Conditions
  • er month), reasons for moderate conditions (per year, per month), operational conditions (per hour (nominal), per hour (nominal + moderate))

  • Detailed day and night: Operational conditions (per year, per month), reasons for severe conditions (per year, per month, per hour per month), reasons for moderate conditions (per year, per month), operational conditions (per hour (nominal), per hour (nominal + moderate))

  • Detailed night: Operational conditions (per year, per month), reasons for severe conditions (per year, per month), reasons for moderate conditions (per year, per month), operational conditions (per hour (nominal), per hour (nominal + moderate))

Map Overview

Map Overview of location (continent, world)


Analysis at different altitudes simultaneously (10m (33ft), 152m (500ft), and 305m (1000ft)).

Analysis of individual time frames and day times.

Use cases

Use cases
  • Finding an ideal airfield

  • comparing drone types at a location

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